If you want to see me get emotional throw any type of patriotic song, video clip, or picture at me. I'll lose it. This country, and all the freedom that it stands for, means so much to me and my family. So much, that the majority of my family (both immediate and extended) have taken on the responsibility of defending it. Today is Armed Forces Day and I wanted to take the time to recognize and thank the members of my family who have served or continue to serve in our military:
My Dad- served in the United States Marine Corps. |
My brother-in-law, Brad, currently serves in the United States Navy |
My older brother, Matt, served in the United States Marine Corps then, transferred to the Army. He currently in seminary studying to become and Army Chaplain. |
My sister-in-law, Christel, served in the United States Marine Corps |
My brother-in-law, Jason (left) continues to serve in the Army Reserve. My husband is next (but I'll get to him later ;-), my father-in-law served in the United States Army, my brother-in-law, Bill, served in the United States Army, and then Joe's brother-in-law (my brother-in-law-in-law?) Scot, served in the United Stated Army as well.
Finally, my husband (right), Joe Duffey. This picture was taken after he finished jump school. He joined the Army at 17 years old and continues to serve. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished. I love how selfless he is in our relationship, and just in life in general. He has given up time with his family and friends to serve our country. |
He has completed a tour in Iraq (where he met an Olympic Gold Medalist and got to wear the medal!) and is gearing up for his second tour to Kuwait in October. |
I am just so proud of my soldier!
I can't even touch on all of the extended relatives and friends who are serving in our military. I am so proud of all of them and so grateful for all the sacrifices that they have made and continue to make. On this Armed Forces Day, I also want to take the time to thank all of the men and women who are serving. I support you, appreciate you, and thank you for all of the sacrifices you make on a daily basis. My thoughts and prayers are with those who are currently serving overseas and for their families that they have left behind. I especially think of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for me and for this country that I love so dearly. Thank you. Today, I salute you for all that you've done.
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